Those elusive whales!

After leaving Salento, i headed once more for the coast, not for sunbathing this time but for whale watching, and this time at the Pacific coast (not many whales in the caribbean, you know). Just arriving at Buenaventura was an adventure in itself but we ended up getting both a recommendation and a lift to the hotel from some friendly police officers with dance music blaring out of the stereo whilst other cars allowed us through! On arrival at the hotel i discovered my room came complete with CD player and so i had opportunity to play my new cd's-Shakira and Juanes- (do you know "tengo la camisa negra" in Europe?). brilliant.
The following day we had to take a boat to the island where it is possible to see the whales- unfortunately at the island its only possible to stay in all inclusive hotels and so when not whale watching i had chance to lay by the swimming pool (!!!) and work on my tan some more (i will start real backpacking soon!). The whale watching trip lasts for a few hours and we go out in a small boat with perhaps 10 other people, we zoom out (presumably to the whale highway) and wait. and wait. and.. oh, oh, is that a whale in the distance.. no, just a piece of drift wood... and wait some more. At this point i put my ready poised camera away and am beginning to think that this maybe wasn't a great idea and that possibly i may become seasick, when not so far off we did actually see a whale, so with my possible seasickness forgotten the boat sets off after it. "It" turns out to be "them" and we see a mother and calf swimming side by side up along our boat, they were no more than 5m away from us, occasionally spurting water into the air; i then notice that behond this pair there are several more spurts of water into the air and with them more whales. In total we saw either the same whales many times or many whales a few times, either way I was suitably impressed and didn't even mind that i was unable to get any photos (so you'll just have to imagine how cool it looked!).
Lucky you! When we went whale watching off San Diego they couldn't find any and had to give us our money back !!!
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