a beach paradise

After the ardous trek to the lost city, Johanna (the swedish girl i met on the trek) and i decided to spend some time at the national park of Tayrona. This on a remote penisula close to the village we were staying and can only be reached by boat or by a long hike. Needless to say we took the boat but this wasn't nearly as relaxing as i'd anticipated, the waves were huge, the boat was tiny and by the end of the journey i was as wet as if i'd swum there myself!! Very happy to get my feet back on dry land i looked around and discovered the beaches were beautiful and best of all there were no people trying to sell indescriable pieces of tat of braid my hair so apart from the other holiday makers it was very peaceful. we strung up our hammocks and got on with the serious business of sunbathing. This is how we spent the next few days, sunbathing, a litttle snorkeling and generally just chilling out. The evenings were equally laidback but as we were probably a little dehydrated from the day time it didn't take many cuba libres until we were quite tipsy! That fact combined with the lack of electricity (and so any light after dark) made ordinary things such as finding the toilet block (Johanna managed to fall into a ditch on her way there) and then getting into our hammocks did prove difficult! Much fun and relaxing was had and after a few days we moved on further down the coast to Cartegena.
I'd recognise those toes anywhere!!
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