oh, and i forgot..

Go back to Sucre. I forgot this bit but it will probably make you smile and gives an example of my brilliant trip planning.
Surce is famous for its traditional methods of weaving, we visited the museum and were impressed enough to want to visit the villages that produced them by hand and so set about trying to find where the villages are and how to get to them. We'd got up early and looked at the guide book- not early enough it seemed our book told us the buses had left at 7am, back to the drwing board then and we decided to go the following day instead.
Saturday night came and went, we set our alarms for 5.30am and were waiting for the bus by about 6.50, only to be helpfully told by a local that the buses don't actually leave til 9.30 but we could buy a ticket from the office. We did, but there seemed only to be standing room available, nevermind and we bought our tickets. Only to find moments later a second bus pulling up going, also to our village but earlier, with seats and all for 3 bolivianos less... We tried in vain to sell our tickets.
We waited the 2 hours until departure time and squeezed aboard the ridiculously packed bus. so full in fact that people were hanging out of the door and the person behind me was so close that from our hip to our ankles were touching for the entire 2 hour journey. Arriving in the vilage we seemed to be somewhat of a novelty, people couldn't quite understand why we had come. we wandered around the village- not much inthe way of food without meat. we had stale sandwiches of tomatoes, onion and olives. walked around some more- no weavers to be seen.
We then realised they were probably miles away at the famous tourist market trying to sell their products to tourists.
We made another circuit of the village this time with a bolivian trying to conduct a census. We went to the river (the following day i found this had left me with 2 ticks!) and found a woman selling homemade beer from a make-shift pub that was really just a shed.
Then realising the final bus left in 5 minutes sprinted through the town and returned to Sucre, having not met even one weaver.
come home your missing all my ads well all two of them. hope you are having fun big kiss kx
ps did you co-ordinate the green?
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