a relaxed approach to work

those who have been online this week will know that i've only managed to make it into work for part of monday and thursday! when i arrived on monday they told me that the consultant wasn't here, not sure why- still the language problem; so i could either stay or go... so at 8.30am i found my self with a free day. i've spent most mornings this week trying to catch up with spanish and conjugate yet more verbs (i don't think i worked this hard at school) i've also managed to get the worst t-shirt burnt skin on my back, its now just a big criss cross of white and red stripes! um gorgeous.
wednesday evening was a staff do with the hospital. wonderful, i thought a chance to practise my spanish in a slightly less formal setting- WRONG. there were 14 of us in total for a very posh (but definately tasty) meal. my spanish at this stage certainly does not extend to dinner party conversation and so i was a little out of my depth. one of the doctors also found it amusing to start a conversation entirely based on double entrendre's (i stuggle to get the first meaning let alone the second) but it appears to be very entertaining for everyone else! i also got a lovely view of quito at night on the way home. i'm definately going to explore more next week.
i have today (friday) off as it is bank holiday weekend, in fact i don't have work until next wednesday! i'm certainly getting used the work ethic here in ecuador.
What sort of example is this setting to an impressionable seventeen-year-old ???
He's already talking about taking "a degree that won't be out of date after a couple of years travelling ......"
Are you really knitting a hat ??? *giggles*
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